The Jersey Shore - August 2012

I am sitting on vacation in Florida on this rainy day and finally finding the time to edit pictures of our last family vacation. We took the ferry from Lewes to Cape May and spent the day walking around before joining my parents and siblings a few miles up the coast. It was a great long weekend filled with tennis, frisbee, beach, bike rides, golf, and great food. Enjoy the crazy amount of photos in this post!


  1. (1) That looks so East Coast/colonial! I want to be there too.

    (2) Are those peanut butter filled pretzels? We are ADDICTED to those in our house.

    (3) When did Behr go from baby to little boy? How did that happen?

  2. We just got back from Fl.. and it rained on us the whole way back to Alabama. So glad we were there before the big storm blew in!! I wish we were still in florida! The beach is such a wonderful vacation. Beautiful photos:)

  3. Behr is such a little blonde beach baby! You guys look like you had the best time!

  4. cuuuuuutest. love it. shout out to cape maaaaay.

  5. oh man! there are soooo many pics here i love! i can't even take it. behr feeding your mom, behr w/ his tong out throwing the ball, behr gives mark kisses, family pics.
    side note: sam says bear. can't wait for them to reconnect in a few weeks... and hopefully sam won't confuse bear with behr :)
