Featured Post: Wear Love

Today I am super excited to share with you a company that I learned about at the Influence Conference, wearLove. Through a mutual friend, I connected with Cally, the social media guru responsible for getting the word out about this company. Cally is a rockstar and so is the mission of wearLove. I hope you enjoy learning about it today.

We never intended to create a favorite t-shirt.
But we do intend to live life on Purpose.

In April of 2010, our company came together to make visible the amazing message of love. What started as a photo art company soon became a t-shirt line. It was amazing to see that two simple words, "wear Love," together on a tee could help people see themselves and the world in a different light.

Personally having a heart for Africa, we were excited to team up with Shore to Shore Mission Network to help build a vocational school for street boys in Senegal, Africa. Along with other fundraisers and generous donors, we were able to help contribute to the project by giving a portion of our profits.

After the funds were raised for the school, people kept asking for our t-shirts, and we kept selling!

We are a for-profit company, but we will always have a passion for giving. Projects and charities may change along the way, but no matter where we go in the world, wear Love will always give back.

It’s about more than a t-shirt. It’s about turning Love into a lifestyle.

What if a t-shirt can inspire someone to live for something greater?
What if a t-shirt can show someone a Love that is better than life itself?

We want to be that t-shirt.

Here is how you can get involved:


  1. What a lovely company and how sweet of you to get the word out!

  2. Loved learning about this amazing company! I think that's a fabulous mission, and some very beautiful t-shirts :)

  3. love these shirts -- i'm gonna check em out. thanks shannon.
