Football Fridays {week five}

Welcome back to Football Fridays! Every other week, join us for game insights, spectator commentary, and recipes to make the fall season more than just "man time."

the game:

Games This Week: Detroit, Oakland, Dallas, and Tampa Bay all have "off" this week.

Sunday: Atlanta Falcons vs. Washington Redskins - This game will be a battle of the QB, Matt Ryan vs. RG3. Expect a high scoring game full of excitement.

Sunday: Philadelphia Eagles vs. Pittsburg Steelers - if Philadelphia stays true to form, they will step up their play against a stronger team. This game promises to be aggressive, and perhaps even a bit chippy.

Sunday Night: San Diego Chargers vs. New Orleans Saints - San Diego is likely to dominate this game. New Orleans is still struggling from the suspensions imposed in light of bounty scandal, and is not looking capable of a recovery this season.

Monday Night: Houston Texans vs. New York Jets - The Jets are amid controversy and blame - a team expecting to be a standout is struggling with finger pointing going every with direction. The commentary during this game with be heavy on the story of what is happening to the Jet's front office.

the talking point:

Its breast cancer awareness month, and the NFL is sporting pink in full force. From ribbons on jerseys to neon pink gloves, your favorite teams will be adding an extra color to their uniform all month long.

the food:

If you are anything like me, you buy some food with the greatest intentions and promptly forget about it. For whatever reason, bread goes stale in our home. Panade is now my favorite weekend meal if I do happen to find some rock hard bread laying around.

 - leftover bread, the harder the better
 - diced, sauteed veggies, 2-4 cups depending on how much bread you have. I use onions and peppers, but anything you need to use up with work!
 - 2-4 cups chicken or vegetable broth

 - slice and toast the bread cubes in the oven - sometimes I drizzle with olive oil
 - while bread is toasting, saute veggies.
 - heat broth in a small sauce pan
 - once bread is ready layer bread, veggies, bread
 - por broth over the top, being sure to soak the top layer of bread (the more broth the better!)
 - bake at 350 for 35 minutes, uncovered so top get golden brown

 - serve with crock-pot meatballs or roast beef and a healthy portion of cheese for a rustic, football worthy meal

Enjoy your weekend and happy football watching!

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