My favorite color... still blue!

It's a boy!

Some popular lines as we have been sharing the news with family:

We still don't have to pay for any future weddings

Now Shannon won't have to worry about more shopping
(as if I was really worried about that)

Gifts already picked out for Behr can just be doubled

We can officially cross "Sandy" off the potential name list

We are so thrilled to be welcoming a second baby boy into our family. The sonogram technician's observation that this child seems "calm and steady" was welcomed news as we currently live with a fireball of energy. But either way, we can't wait to see what it is like to have two boys under our roof.


  1. SO exciting! I keep thinking if we find out on Monday that it's a boy we'll save a boodle of money on clothes and whatnot over the years... and you're right, not to mention a wedding! :) But then, hopefully we'd still get to spoil daughters in law. :) CONGRATULATIONS!

    1. Thanks Jen! I hope to be a good mother-in-law...I feel like it all starts now with how we raise these boys! Can't wait to find out what you are having too!

  2. and ps. FAB picture of the three of you.

  3. Congrats! That's so exciting :) good thing you like blue!

    1. ha! I was so nervous that I wouldn't know what to do with a girl...except dress her in blue. :)

  4. congrats friend!!! boys are the best :)

  5. congrats, Shannon! so excited for your family :)

  6. that is so awesome! congrats!i feel like it is going to be so much fun to have two boys!

  7. Yay for a new baby boy!!! So excited for ALL of you!

  8. YAY!!!!! brothers are the BEST!!!! so so so SO SO SO SO happy for you little mama :) so much love to you!!!

  9. two boys = awesomeness!! and those were exactly our thoughts when we had simon's ultrasound ... no weddings!!! they will be the best of friends :)

  10. YAY!! Hooray for you and your family!

    Boys look so fun-- my dad is one of 6!!!

    In my mind I always think boys would somehow be easier to raise, too. No girly drama, you know?

  11. So awesome, congratulations to all of you! I can't wait to see all three guys in matching polos. Although, don't totally discount Sandy...that is my brother's name!

  12. i know i am super late to this party but congrats! behr is going to be super lucky to have a little brother to play with.

  13. Congrats! Behr is going to be such an awesome big brother! Wishing you lots of health and happiness for the rest of your pregnancy!
