New England Autumn

Pumpkin Patches


Crisp Cool Air

and Still Warm Sun.

Muddy Boots

Rusty Tractors

Farm Animals

and Hot Cider Donuts.

I love visiting this spot each October.

Its event better with friends.

Behr and Sam are four months apart. As mommas, we hope they remain friends forever. For now, we are just thrilled they have a blast together and wish we saw each other more often.

I am linking up to Small Style.
Behr is wearing:
Koala Jeans, hand-me-downs
Janie and Jack Boots

Disclaimer: compensated affiliate links may be used in this post.


  1. Behr and Sam are precious together. What cute friends :) And all of those scenes are why I love New England falls!

    1. Thanks Girl! They totally surprised me. It was like they were long lost friends and played so well together!

  2. love the pics!! :) thanks for linking up to me :)
    LOVED getting together. (Sam still talks about his friend Behr)
    you have some great shots. love the tractor.

  3. And this is why autumn is my favorite season. Love all your pictures - the boys are both very cute. Love their little boots! And I know exactly what you mean about hoping your kids and friends' kids are forever friends.

    1. Yes, autumn is a keeper for sure. I miss the beach each fall, but I am quickly reminded of why it is best!

  4. Oh, what a gorgeous pumpkin patch!! Out here, we end up with a "patch" in the Walmart parking lot- ha ha!!

    Okay, off to check out your giveaway!

    1. Thanks so much Corey! We always make a point to go when we are in New England because here in DC we would likely also be at a parking lot patch!

  5. Beautiful pictures! Looks like such fun. What a cute outfit for him to wear there!


    1. Thanks! The boots were totally thrown into the suitcase last minute, and I am so glad I had them for all the mud we trudged through!

  6. Awwww.. cutest pumpkin(s) in the patch! You look beautiful there too mama.. always lovely to reconnect with small style mamas!
    mel ;o)
    needle and nest design

  7. I just found your blog via Allie's at 'Be Up & Doing'! We went to college together and I live in Arlington, VA. so when I came on over, I was excited to see another believer from DC. So fun to find you!

    1. Jess like Jess who lived on my floor in Evans and took IR classes with me? Or another Jess who also moved to the DC area? So intrigued...
