Small Style: Sliders

One of our favorite vacation restaurants is Sliders Seaside Grill. We are guaranteed to eat fried pickles and lots of ketchup at Sliders. An outdoor seating area, sandy floor, and a playground built for Behr makes it all the better. Uncle Ben on duty is the icing on the cake. 

The weather in DC has been treating us to a true Indian Summer with highs in the 70s. Its not helping me get over my craving for summer, but it is great to have a few more days at the park. How about you?
I am linking up with Morgan for Small Style.

Behr is wearing:
pink polo shirt from gap
navy and grey striped hoodie, gift
old navy khaki shorts
saltwater sandals

Disclaimer: compensated affiliate links may be used in this post.


  1. This is little boy style perfection. I love every little detail!!!

  2. Oh goodness fried pickles are my favorite. And Behr just melts my heart with his adorable little smile :)

  3. all of that sounds sooo good. your little one cracked me up looking so enthusiastic over the slides lol

  4. Behr is so cute! I love his little outfit, too! Friend pickles, huh? I have never tried those. Maybe I need to?

  5. Behr is just the cutest! those two photos at the end seriously just made my day. he has the best facial expressions. :)
