A Full Heart

Approaching this season of Thanksgiving, my heart is full. I have a great deal to be thankful for. So much so, I wonder how my mind could stray from feelings of abundant gratitude. I could list blessings in my life, relationships that daily encourage me to seek God, and bits of life that are frivolous but make me smile or lighten my load. However, this season, one aspect of my life has taken a singular focus.

I am incredibly thankful that Behr is going to be a big brother.

I am thankful for the precious baby boy growing inside me.

But really, I am thankful for Behr.

He has a tender heart; a servant's heart. He is curious, already trying to examine my stomach to learn more about his brother. Behr greets each morning with wide eyes of anticipation and excitement about breakfast. He will often saunter over to me, lift my shirt and "kiss baby." Behr is learning to be a playmate to younger children, practicing sharing and gentleness just in time for his brother's arrival this Spring. Behr's love for those around him astounds me. He tunes into emotions and responds with compassion. He is adventurous, tries new foods, loves to run, gives most activities 110% and he is loud! Some of these traits give me pause, but at the end of the day, they are part of Behr and I am thankful (even for the really, really loud parts).

He is going to be a really good big brother. Most days I can't tell who is more excited about a new baby in our house. We are bubbling over, and Behr is leading the charge.

I am linking up with sweet friends 
Blair and Rachael to share Thanksgiving.


  1. He is ADORABLE! Congrats on baby #2 as well! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  2. I love that little guy... and miss him so much!

  3. I love this post. You are such a wonderful loving Mama-- I love how much you love him!

    And this picture is adorable! A framer for sure!
