Football Fridays {week thirteen}

Welcome back to Football Fridays! Every other week, join us for game insights, spectator commentary, and recipes to make the fall season more than just "man time."

the game:

Sunday: Minnesota Vikings vs. Green Bay Packers - forever a strong rivalry, which mid-west powerhouse will come out on top this week? Green Bay is looking solid behind Aaron Rodgers whereas The Vikings have been missing easy plays. Safe to say the Packers should bring home the win.

Sunday: Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Baltimore Ravens - a younger rivalry than the one above, but fierce nevertheless. Just like two weeks ago, this game will be a battle. Likely to be one of the best games to watch this weekend.

Sunday Night & Monday Night will be all about the NFC East

Sunday Night: Philadelphia Eagles vs. Dallas Cowboys - As a depressed fan, I am not in the right mind to say anything of substance about this game. I will be watching with one eye closed.

Monday Night: Washington Redskins vs. New York Football Giants - A great game. The big question around the league, will Justin Tuck (Giants) think RG III is faster than Michael Vick? Look for the Redskin's rookie quarterback to be making some impressive moves on the field this week.

the talking point:

Did the Saints loose their playoff hopes last night? Without head coach, Sean Payton, (suspended due to Bounty Gate) the team has seemed to fall apart. Is Drew Breese not a strong enough leader to hold the crew together? Does this season put a damper on his entire career and any potential to be a hall of fame QB?

The Falcons improved to 11-1 - who saw that coming at the beginning of the season?

Would a win against Dallas save Andy Reid's job?

The 49ers will continue to start their back up QB, Colin Kaepernick. Starter Alex Smith was on fire earlier this season, even being named player of the week until he suffered a concussion. Now cleared for play, he has "lost his job" as starting QB. Here is the controversy: if a player might loose his spot due to injury (not poor play), should he hide his injury? What impact does this coaching decision have on the progress the NFL has had with concussion safety recently? Should a starting player get his position back as soon as he is cleared to play? You can bet the player's union will be all over this in the off season.

the food:

Growing up, my parents would gather with friends on the weekends for game nights. This dip was always on the menu and has long since become a family favorite. Tip: it is also a great item to bring for a work party/potluck because it is no-measure/no-cook and you can pull it together in a few minutes just before the festivities begin!

1 onion (or half an onion, whatever you have on hand)
1 tub of sour cream - regular size container
1 jar of salsa - your favorite, regular size container
1 bag of shredded cheese - we prefer the thicker shred
1 bag of tortilla chips
Note: this recipe is not brand specific, this post is not sponsored. I just showed you the brand I typically buy for this recipe.

dice as much onion as you would like, as fine as you would like
scoop out some of the sour cream into a class serving dish
stir the diced onion right into the remaining sour cream in the container (less mess)
scoop the rest of the sour cream into the serving dish and spread to form an even layer
spread the salsa over the sour cream - whole jar!
sprinkle with shredded cheese
serve with tortilla chips

this recipe is best made immediately before serving, or keep it in the fridge to cool for up to one hour

Enjoy your weekend and happy football watching!

1 comment:

  1. i know nothing about football except this: kapernick is an attractive man. :)
