Small Style: Too Cool

Since we were away last weekend without Behr, I had very few photos of him. Here are a few I tried to snap the other morning on my phone before we headed off to daycare. Mr. Cool Guy is apparently becoming a master at not looking at the camera. If only you could have seen his satisfied smile between the photos. He also likes to run to the furthest corner away from our car as soon as we step outside, in a joking protest to his car seat  He never complains once we retrieve him, but this little game has found a permanent place in out morning routine.

I am linking up to Small Style.

Behr is wearing:
Carters Jeans (similar)
Red Polo - no label, hand me down (similar)

 Disclaimer: compensated affiliate links may be used in this post.


  1. Adorable boy! Adorable mittens!! So sweet. And is it a total dick-move of me to tell you that it's sunny and summer-like here??!! Sundresses for all! (Okay, I'm just a little gleeful to be out of the icy grasp of winter for a few years!)

  2. Ha, what a cute rascal he's becoming then! Love his hilarious 'mouth-agape' expressions!
    mel ;o)
    needle and nest design

  3. Stopping in from the link up! New follower. Your little man is such a cutie. Love that hair.
    Danielle @

  4. Even not looking at the camera, he's the most adorable. And HIS HAIR! Luscious locks!

  5. Sweet face! How did you smooth down his "wings"? We are in the middle of a stubborn wing situation here.
