Weekend of Festivities

The holidays are around the corner! Thanksgiving totally snuck up on my this year and I cannot believe it is next week...just a few short days away. As we prepare to be out of town, there are a few items getting crossed off my to-do list.

I finally sat down and ordered our Christmas cards. Boom.  But I haven't stopped oogeling the pictures we had taken when we were in Florida in September. (psst...the Christmas card picture isn't in this bunch...you will just have to wait and see for that one) They make me miss the beach, surprises me by how adorable Behr can be (as if I was ever in doubt) and I ache for the summer sunshine terribly.

If that weren't bad enough, I am also sorting through pictures and video clips from our recently trip to Puerto Rico...that was so secret I didn't even blog about it! I am pulling the trip together in a video as a keepsake of Karlene's fabulous 30th birthday. I promise, I will share them soon. Brilliant blue oceans, and lots of bare shoulders in these pictures people!

So to get in the Christmas spirit as we begin decorating, I created two boards on Minted.com to capture the feel I want for our Christmas this year. I am craving the classic red and white, but also want to make it whimsical and relatable for Behr to enjoy.
whimsy + bright by Shannon, see more Minted photo holiday cards
whimsy + bright board by Shannon. See more Minted photo holiday cards

classic christmas by Shannon, see more holiday photo cards
classic christmas board by Shannon. See more holiday photo cards

What do you think? Do you go traditional when decorating? Or shake things up a bit? 

I would love to hear about your favorite part
stringing lights (white or colored),
wrapping gifts, 
belting our Mariah Carey Christmas tunes,
sending and receiving cards,
and what do you do with them? On the fridge? Or something else?

Tell me all about your Christmas spirit.

 Disclaimer: compensated affiliate links may be used in this post.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos of your family! Congratulations on ordering your Christmas cards to send out before Thanksgiving! Even as the art of writing letters is becoming non-existent, I'm glad to know that people are still sending cards for the holidays. It's a great way to keep in touch as people scatter across the country over the years.
