Updates + Updates

I have a few things I have been excited to share with you, but not sure if I should double post, how to string them together, make a impact and BAM Nicole from The Style Hatch (love that girl) hosted a link up for 5 random things. So here are mine...

1. I set some goals and I am sticking with them. It feels great! One of these goals was to finally post the invitations I have designed on etsy so more people can buy them. Throughout December, they will be added in batches (as I gussy up the pictures and ensure I had the original editable files...) Here is a snapshot of a few that were posted this week:

2. I have taken ZERO official pregnancy bump pictures this time around. There have been some shots on instagram. But mostly I am just feeling large and uncomfortable. I am pretty sure my second child is going to feel neglected and have serious life issues because of this. Or maybe just be grateful they don't have to weed through so many crazy pictures of their mom when looking for a baby picture for their high school year book.

3. My favorite part of Christmas is seeing the lights. This is one of my least favorite parts of living in a city. While my area of DC is fairly residential, it is nothing like driving through suburbia and admiring house after house decorated a la National Lampoons. So, I am teaming up with some of my favorite bloggers to host a Sharing Christmas link up on December 19th. Share your decorations, traditions, recipes, whatever floats your boat! Here are the details:

p.s. this is also why this made me especially happy on our walk home last night. 

4. I am a wanna be fashionista. I actually sometimes dream I have a fashion blog...erkkkk... (sound of record scratching) The glitch is I don't actually like being in front of the camera. Do you like getting your picture taken? I am living my fashion blogger dreams through a blog I co-founded with my friend Alex:

5. I newly love sending video iMessages to my sisters instead of texts or emails. Have you tried it? This girl got me hooked.


  1. Wait I need to try video iMessages. I didn't know this was a thing. So excited. And No.2 made me lol and snort a little.

  2. I didn't take any pregnancy photos either!!! I didn't like my stretched belly and odd looking belly button. I'm so glad you linked up! I love your blog!

  3. I know how you feel on #4. I love my clothes, but we're so rushed in the morning there isn't time for my husband to take a picture of me and then by the end of the day I look like someone who has taken care of five children (I'm a nanny right now) and NO WAY am I having my picture taken then! :)

  4. love the invites!!
    love the random blog posts :)
