Christmas Part Two: Family Photos

As we prepared for our annual Christmas Eve family gathering my sisters humored me with a mini family photo shoot. And then my Aunt sent me to the moon, offering to capture the whole Angelos family.  I am so glad she suggested this, especially after seeing how well the picture turned out. Do you know how hard it is to get us all in the same state let alone in front of a camera together? Twice my parents' Christmas card picture has been from a funeral because we all happened to be there and wearing something decent. (side note: the feet are cropped out of this photo because at least three of my family members wore their slippers outside for the picture and they all hate my yellow moccasins. Gotta love them!) 

I am so grateful for these photos. 

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  1. i love your sweater! and the photos turned out great!

  2. They are really great! I also rarely get family photos, so I know what you mean. Love it.

    1. Why are photos with our own family so hard to coordinate?!

  3. Aww look at that cute baby bump. :-) Mine is getting past the point of "cute" at 36 weeks... I'm ready for a baby!

    1. I can't imagine getting bigger at this point. I know I will. But I have reached the stage of feeling huge, constantly. It's all downhill from here!

  4. You guys are the cutest family this side of ever :)

  5. How many weeks are you here? I'm trying to not be jealous of how cute you look because I look like a house!! :)

    1. oh man! I am a house too! a few days after these pictures, those pants no longer fit. also, half of what I brought home to wear, didn't fit by the time I tried to wear it.

      I was 28 weeks this past Monday.

  6. they hate your yellow moccs?! cray!

  7. Family photos are seriously so fun to look back on. Love these glad you were all able to get together to take one!!

  8. you look so awesome, shannon!!! :)

  9. great family photos!! i wish we had more of everyone.

  10. I love the minnetonkas :) I've been eyeing those yellow ones.
