Little Days: Snow

It is Thursday, and for those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, that means Small Style. As I have said before, this is always my favorite blog post of the week, especially because it gets me in a routine of regularly capturing Behr. Well, after a long run of hosting Small Style, Morgan retired the series at the end of 2012. With her permission, I am hosting a similar series called "Little Days."

Little Days will be weekly post series geared towards capturing our children and their stories. I hope that this series becomes a way to continue to encourage one another to enjoy the small moments and also a record that we can easily look back upon to see the often overlooked moments of childhood.

I am still figuring out if this will be a link up. Let me know your thoughts. And any other feedback about the series. I look forward to continuing to catch a glimpse into your life with little ones each week through #littledays

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As we were gearing up to leave Pennsylvania after Christmas, snow began to fall.

 I jumped at the opportunity to play with Behr in the snow. Clearly one of us was more excited than the other!

Must not touch the ground! Look at that form!

Maybe Dad should give it a shot...

 Is that a smile? Even perhaps a short-lived accidental smile?



Nope, definitely not.

Believe it or not, Behr did enjoy the snow. He stuck out his hands to catch it, even let a few snowflakes land on his tongue. He simply did not like touching the ground. Interestingly, he had very similar reactions to grass and sand at first. Here's to hoping this is just a one time deal and he grows to love the snow and all that it entails!

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Feel free to leave links to your own posts in the comments!


  1. hilarious and freaking adorable. i love behr. (i want one. kind of.)

    1. You are going to make a great mom (when you are ready, or really, even if you aren't)

  2. Oh my god I thought this was all so sweet until I got to the last photo and then I totally lost it. I feel bad for laughing at Behr, but THAT FACE. He's so stinkin' cute.

    Also, this is all still a very sweet post. Do NOT get me wrong. But LOL.

    1. I seem to be posting pictures of my son crying more often than other moms...might have something to say about me...

  3. Ahhhhh love the pic of you trying to put him down!!!!!

  4. The last two pictures are possibly the greatest candid shots I've ever seen in my life. Really.

  5. Oh my - I love this!! How funny that he was like that with grass and sand as well. What a cute little guy.

    1. I keep hoping it is a phase...but we don't get enough snow here to really find out, or to allow him time to get used to it. Only time will tell...

  6. hahaha love it!!! he needs to come to New England and play w Sam in the snow & go sledding :)

  7. awwww hahaha poor little guy!!!

  8. i love this!! i know that feeling of loving and hating the snow experience.

    i think this is a great idea. hoping to join along ;)
