CSA Inspired Salmon

At some point this Spring I read a recipe in a magazine about cooking salmon in parchment paper. Previously I had only used parchment paper to line my baking sheet when making cookies. Once my CSA started, I knew asparagus would be the ticket to try the salmon recipe, however I could not find the original recipe anywhere. Here is my modified version:

a handful of radishes chopped into bite size pieces
asparagus, trimmed
two filets of salmon (or one cut in half)
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and ground peper for seasoning
*you will aslo need parchment paper and a baking sheet

Preheat oven to 400
Cover baking sheet with parchment paper with enough overlap on the sides to be able to wrap up
Brush olive oil over vegetables (or toss together)
Place vegetables on the parchment paper, then the fish on top and season as desired
Wrap parchment paper to cover entirely
Bake 8-11 minutes until salmon is flakey

Quick. Easy. Fresh.


  1. This sounds so scrumptious and fresh and oh my goodness I need it in my life.
