Hudson Eight Months

It is a rare day that either of my boys is photographed without the other. Its about time Behr made an appearance in Hudson's monthlies. Already, Behr is Hudson's greatest champion, source of humor, frustration and some days even pain (just scroll down). These two are inseparable and have reached a turning point in their ability to interact and play together. I become increasingly grateful that I am home with them able to provide them an opportunity to form their bond in their own unique way and to get to be a constant observer.

Hudson is determined. Determined to sit, determined to stand, and most significantly determined to feed himself. He flat out refuses any food from a pouch, spoon, fork, or even my hand. If he can't grasp it and get it in his mouth, he wants no part of eating it. Meal time is now both tricky and messy.

Hudson's favorite activities include standing and "dancing" at his music table, banging on musical instruments, or jumping in the door jumper. We rotate between these three on days we are stuck inside. The door jumper has become all of our favorite. Hudson really gets going and actually starts to get air! He jumps like crazy and usually giggles hysterically the entire time.

Hudson's Monthlies

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1 comment:

  1. hahaha! That last funny and reminds me of my girls! How is he already 8 months?!! My Grace will be 1 in 2 days, what the what, how did that happen?!! Your boys are just adorable!!!
