March 2015 Goals with Grace

Due to family obligations and the cyclical nature of my work, January is a crazy month. I take time off blogging to focus on everything else in life. It gives me the benefit of a month of reflection. This year, it seems I needed two! A surgery and several ER visits, a road trip to Boston (see that snowy beach?) and all of the sudden, I lost February. Full knowledge that it's a short month didn't help it speed to a close with too many things left undone. You too? Okay, now to get productive in March.

My goals are more precise then they have ever been before.
Wake at 6 am each morning. Getting up first is paramount for a hope of a smooth day. When I am prepared, it benefits everyone in my family.

Write three back dated blog post this month. The primary purpose of this blog is family record keeping. If I am not keeping records regularly, it leads me to worry and impacts my productivity. Instead of reliving the details of Halloween 2013 (yes that long ago) in my head so I don't forget them, I need to get the memories down and move on. That way they are ready for me to go back to whenever I want.

Read once a week. Somewhere in 2014 I got too busy to read. No more. Instead of collecting books on my nightstand, I'm going to start and finish them. I am not sure how many yet, but sitting down to read once a week, during day light hours, that's my goal.

Phew. Hello March. Let's go!

I'm linking up with Hayley for Goals with Grace.

You can also catch some of my thoughts on hospitality over on The Orange Slate with my dear friend Emily.


  1. The waking up thing is so hard for me, but I know I want to do that as well! Praying March is a productive, grace-filled month for you!

  2. Getting up early is one of my March goals as well, Shannon! We can DO THIS, friend! *insert fist bump emoji* You're absolutely right...getting up early makes the rest of the day go so much more smoothly!

  3. Reading is a big one on my list for this month too! I let it fall by the side last month and regretted watching my kindle gathering dust rather than choosing to pick it up and read something new. Best of luck on those back dated posts! I'm right there with ya :)

    Erin @ by Erin Creative Co.
